About Me
I grew up in a United States Air Force (USAF) family and have lived in all parts of the world from Japan to California. I enlisted in the USAF right out of High School. It also took me to places around the world like Germany and Guam.

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Based in #FortWorth, TX
Provide services #worldwide
November 2010 Newsletter
Happy November to everyone. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! With Holiday fast approaching make
sure to gauge more time to plan for your grooming needs. In October we started booking your next
appointment as a regular process. If you allow me to book the rest of the year I can do that. This way,
the date is set and your life can be a little less hectic when you find you need an appointment asap and
we don't have availability. We groom day and night and hold toe nail events every weekend so time is of
the essence. With over 600 clients you can imagine the schedule gets full but we want to make sure you
get in. Call now for your November and December groom times to ensure your pet gets in before the
Holidays. Each Pet will have a flavorful scent for November. Enjoy the smell and if you want to bottle
your own scent to take home, just ask. It's just $4 for a small bottle.
November 4-13 - We have a booth at the APHA Show. Check us out, products and nail trimming.
9-6pm. If hours
change, check this website. APHA is the Paint Horse Show at Will Rogers Memorial. There is a Puppy
World there and we sell all dog needs to those travelers coming through or buying a new doggie. Come
check out the coolest stuff ever in their shopping area too. Clothes, Engraved Collars and more. We
should be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday next two weeks. http://www.aphaworldshow.com/
13 - West Side Animal League Casino Night Fundraiser. I attend this EVERY Year. I look forward to it all
year. It is a blast. Raising money but also having so much fun. Join me! 6pm - 11pm.
Find me on FACEBOOK (befriend Dede Croy). I use Facebook daily; your pet photos, groomer tips, your
pet videos, pet events, and more can be found there.
Low Cost Vaccination Clinics and also where we conduct nail trimming and other services (call if you need
anal glands first to see where I will specifically be:
Read Dukes Memorial Today; you won't regret it!
Check out www.myfavoritegroomer.com where lots of changes have been made!!
Tip of the Month:
So, I bet you've been wondering why someone hasn't explained anal glands to you? Well it takes me a
few minutes to explain what I've learned about anal glands and I figure this is the best place to answer
that question. I have worked in Grooming Salons and a Veterinary Office and have found what I learned
to be real from my own experiences. Every dog has anal glands. Cats too! But, let's stick with dogs
because very very rarely do I have to do a cats anal glands. But, just because every dog has anal
glands doesn't mean they need to be expressed. Why, you ask? Because every dog is different. Even
when it comes to litter mates. Sueii and Duke; my two boys until Duke passed, were litter mates, and
Duke didn't need anal glands done but Sueii did. But, when I would do Dukes anal glands even when
they were not needed I found, I should have never started doing them on him to begin with, poor guy. His
butt was never the same. So, on to the definition. These glands are right inside the anal area. Very
close to the outer edge. But, not. They are what I like to call like a water balloon. They fill up with fluid
and substance. This substance can be like a fluid or like thick toothpaste. You can imagine, thick
toothpaste like rolling then end of your toothpaste bottle will not just come out alone, it needs help. Same
thing with a pet. Sometimes this substance is excreted on its own when the dog has a bowel movement.
Sometimes it isn't. When a pets anal glands get full they will show you a sign. I have found there are
three different ways they will show you; 1) They will scoot their heiny on the carpet or ground, 2) they will
whip their head back to their tail as if something is poking them, maybe even look at their tail or chew and
lick at it, lastly 3) they will have a funky stench from the rear end regularly, not passing gas, but
something that is foul. One out of the three is a sign. However, one point to make is scooting the heiny
on the ground once a month is ok, once a week is not. I find that if a pet can relieve him/herself on the
carpet once a month that doesn't constitute getting in to have anal glands done. When it becomes more
profound that it's irritating them, once a week usually, then we need to get him/her in. We don't want to
make things worse or cause a problem when there isn't one.
There are two ways anal glands are expressed. 1) from a Groomer (not my style). Most Groomers don't
ask and don't explain they just squeeze the outside of the anal area during every pets bath and some
fluid comes out or if they don't know how to squeeze; someone in training for instance or someone not
trained (which is VERY common) nothing might come out, 2) from a Vet Office where there likely has
been training, in this case they use gloves, lubricant, and go inside the anal area and push on the
backside of each gland because there are two. This gets ALL the fluid out of the anal sacs. I describe
the anal sacs like a water balloon because when a water balloon is full of water and you squeeze the end
of it trying to squeeze all the water out, what happens? Well, some water pushes to the back of the water
balloon and some comes out. When most Groomers are doing anal glands they are not getting all the
fluid out. So, this can cause issues in the long run. The pet may never have had a problem and now one
was created. Here at My Favorite Groomer we do charge $10 for anal glands to be expressed but we do
them just like a Vet would do. Most Vets do charge an average of $27+ not including an office visit cost.
I hope my definition of anal glands helps you understand more about anal glands. If you have any
questions feel free to ask. Dede Croy
Welcome to My Favorite Groomer, I'm so glad you're here.