About Me
I grew up in a United States Air Force (USAF) family and have lived in all parts of the world from Japan to California. I enlisted in the USAF right out of High School. It also took me to places around the world like Germany and Guam.
FREE SHIPPING on most domestic orders over $100
Based in #FortWorth, TX
Provide services #worldwide
January 2011 Newsletter
Happy New Year Everyone! Be sure to start planning ahead for your pet grooms, I will be needing at
least 5 days to book your appoinments. This month there is also a price increase in grooming which we
haven't had price increases in over 2 years!!! Likely you'll spend $5 - $10 dollars more on your pets
groom depending on the size of your pet.
We have just built a BIG-DOG Bathing area! So, if you have big dogs and want to bath your own pets
this winter call and make an appointment or if you know someone that can't usually get their big dog in
the tub, this is where they need to be.
Find me on FACEBOOK (befriend Dede Croy). I use Facebook often; your pet photos, groomer tips,
your pet videos, pet events, and more can be found there.
Low Cost Vaccination Clinics and also where we conduct nail trimming and other services (call if you need
anal glands first to see where I will specifically be:
Read Dukes Memorial Today; you won't regret it & you will learn a few things about senior pets and their
care! http://www.myfavoritegroomer.com/LovingMemoryDuke.html
Tip of the Month:
I know most of you have dogs that don't need grooming. But, every pet does need to have hair trimmed
in certain areas of the body. A lot of times I see Terriers and puppies at the low cost nail trim events with
lengthy hair from areas around where they urinate from; also known as prepuce. Be very careful when
you are trimming because a cut in this area can also be dangerous. But, make sure you don't have
excessive hair petruding. A tainted color like brick red on the hair with females can be a sign of a bladder
infection. A yellow thick pasty color around this area in males could be a yeast infection. Hair around the
anal area can also capture dingle berries. Which can cause your pet to scoot or be uncomfortable. Use
a wet cloth towel to soften the dingle berry so as not to cause any skin damage when removing.
Hair in the ears with certain breeds like Poodles and Shih Tzu's needs to be plucked. Usually this is done
by your Groomer. If you need to take a training class with me I do teach you how to do this as well so you
can keep up with it at home. Brick red and yellow gunk in the ears is a definite sign of ear issues. I can
point you in the right direction if you see this, so email or call for more direction.
Lastly, hair in between the paws should be trimmed. If your pet is sitting or standing on tile or wood floor
and its paws are slipping out from underneath it; it's like wearing socks, so trim the hair out of the way so
the pads can grip the ground.
IMPORTANT: Trimming any of these with scissors is usually not recommended in grooming school. So, if
possible use your favorite personal shaver to softly shave out hair in the private areas and pads.
I am not a Vet but I have seen a lot of things so please take this advice from a Groomer's perspective.
Item of the Month:
This Month, we have spiral doggie stairs available in 3 steps and five. Quality Stairs USA Made. Photos
of items we carry here at the groom shop can be found at our facebook page, just befriend Dede Croy
and click on the photos link.
Welcome to My Favorite Groomer, I'm so glad you're here.
To unsubscribe reply "unsubscribe" in your subject line. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Advice and suggestions are my own opinion. I am not a VET.
Owner, Dede Croy